Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Economy as I see it

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of these here United States & Territories of America. He was the leader in a time where our futures seemed certain. America was the greatest country on earth and we its people, were the best, the brightest and most hardworking industrious people the world could offer.

As a GI Joe watching young man I believed in the America we all pledged our allegiance to every morning. I knew I could be anything I wanted to be but first wanted to be a marine so that I could help take down those commie bastards that threatened our freedoms of Compact Discs, Cable television and Pepsi-Cola.

The bright future that I may have grown up thinking was my birthright as an American seemed to have been misplaced in 1996 when I went out into the world to make my mark. Reagan era policy lead to businesses looking closer and closer at the bottom line. Policy made the rich richer and divided the gap between them and the people who work for them.

The trickle-down theory never really took full swing. The people that had the money kept inventing new and innovative ways to keep their money. I don't really blame them, it is after all, the American dream to make a bunch of money isn't it?

Now, we're in what has been called the greatest recession since the great depression. Thinking about that, the answer to this generations dilemma is almost clear... except on how to do it. I'll leave that part of the answer to a better thinker. I hate to be cliche' but it's to be American again, pull ourselves up by our boot straps and reinvent ourselves. With all do respect to our grandparents we can answer the call and become the next "Great Generation".

It's time to get back to the basics. Stop the fighting, stop the war, and start making America great again...

On a side note, I wish John Lennon was still around.

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